Thursday 14 February 2013

Author Study - Anthony Browne

 In reading, we have been doing an author study on Anthony Browne. He writes all kinds of different stories and even illustrates his own pictures! After reading and comparing 'The Shape Game' with other stories, we decided to give it a go! It turns out Anthony Browne's mother (the creator) was onto something great! See!

Monday 4 February 2013

Back at Hampstead School!

Haere Mai, Welcome to Room 9. We kicked off the school year with a day one group challenge.We discussed the different traits of 'great leaders' and spoke about Ritchie McCaw and how he treats his teammates and coaches. Some of the characteristics that were named included, "loyal, hard-working, dependable, inspirational, kind, encouraging, honest, and responsible". Each group agreed that they would try their hardest to become great leaders this year and signed our Class Treaty/Contract. 

Later that day we had relay races outside and then each group was assigned to create a marshmallow tower using only toothpicks. The groups earned points for working together as a team, showing encouragement and support to the other members, and creating the tallest       standing tower they could in ten minutes.

Afterwards we discussed the positive and negative things we noticed during the challenge and what we would change next time. It was character building and a lot of fun!