Friday 22 March 2013


This term our topic is Sea Life and Room 9 is researching different types of whales! We decided we would become experts on the Blue Whale and began to research using the internet, books, and information I gave them. This is what we found out!!

* “The heart of a blue whale is as BIG as a mini car!!” Tyreece

* “Some of the blood vessels are so wide you can SWIM down them!” Liem

* “Its tongue weighs as much as an elephant! “ Emma

* “Its tail is as wide as a small airplane!” Mac

* “The Blue whale can be up to 32 Metres long!” Fergus

 We went outside to measure how long 32m was! This is our entire class laying down together to make 32 meters!

Friday 15 March 2013


Last week the Year 6's went on school camp with Miss Dobbin and Miss Sloan. We did all sorts of fun things! We jumped the trampolines, went to the beach, did archery, orienteering, rock-climbing, soared through the trees on a massive flying fox, had a lollie scramble and played kick the can (just to name a few)! We were away for three nights and we were on the waterslide whenever we had free time. The food was so yummy and delicious! Here are a few of the photos from camp! Check out our video for more!!