Sunday 29 September 2013

Weaving photos

We have been learning to weave black and white photos with colored ones! Here are some of our finished projects! 

Friday 20 September 2013

The Body!

This term, we have been learning the body parts in Te Reo - Maori! We made the bodies and faces with the Maori words! Look at some of our awesome faces!!!

Thursday 19 September 2013

GO NZ GO!!!!

With only ONE more race to win, we are VERY excited in Room 9!!!!! This morning we watched the replay of race 11, where we took the win!! We cannot wait for the next race!

Minecraft Maths!! Check out our arrays...

Friday 13 September 2013


We are learning how to play the recorder! We know three songs so far and
are now figuring out songs on our own! 

Playing the recorder in the sun!!

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Fitness FuN!!

We have been working on our fitness a lot lately because in P.E we are doing gymnastics. Part of our programme is to do our circuit for warm up each time. We love our team circuit workouts! And we're getting good at the exercises!