Friday 22 November 2013

Creating Masks!!

Some of our masks are finished!! We have worked so hard to design and create them. The best part is that each one is different from the next!!! 


We have been writing emails back and forth to our Canadian friends in Grade Six at Ecole Millageville North (Ecole means school in French!) They live in a city called Saint John in a province called New Brunswick! Miss Dobbin showed us on the map where it was. They have 100,000 people in that city. We have about 30,000 in Ashburton.
Today we got our letters and we were so excited!! We are finding out a LOT about Canada and we are learning about our own country too! Did you know we have 4.4 MILLION sheep in NZ and there only only 10,000 in Canada (or less!). They celebrate Christmas in the WINTER which is so weird we decided. They just had a day off school to celebrate Remembrance Day and it is kind of like our Anzac day. To remember all of the men and women who fought and served in war.
Our friends are from a Grade 6 class and they speak French all the time at school. They think some of our names are really different but we think theirs are weird too. NExt week we are going to send videos back and forth so we can talk to them face to face!!!(sort of)

Thursday 21 November 2013

Minecraft Arrays

We have been learning strategies to solve multiplication and division questions quickly. Today we used the tablets to make huge arrays with different tools on Minecraft. 


We have been working so hard on our lipsync in this term:) 

Monday 18 November 2013

Regans goblin

We have been writing narratives in Room 9 and this morning we did a fantasy character sketch. We came up with lots of similes and metaphors to describe our goblins!! This is Regan's goblin!!

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Dance Dance !!!

This term we are doing Dance and Lipsync for topic!!! Check out some of our dance moves... :)

Friday 1 November 2013

A&P Show Day Photographers Visit

Today at lunch the student photographers went to the A&P show to look at their photos on display. While we were waiting we had a play with the animals! 

Science road show!

On Wednesday we went to science road show at te intermediate! It was really cool to see all of the different science stuff. My favorite was the Hoover to ride on! -Shawna